How do I request a return online?

Josh Mosher

Last Update há 2 anos


To request a return for an item online, you must have created an online account with Scales Plus when you checked out. If you checked out as a guest, you will need to request a return via chat, email, or phone. We encourage you to review our no hassle 90-day return policy here.

Requesting a Return Online

Login to your Scales Plus account if not already.

Next, locate the order of the item you wish to return and click the Return Items? link under the order status.

Select the quantity to return via the Qty to Return dropdown.

Select the Return Reason from the dropdown.

Choose the desired Return Action from the dropdown.

Finally, add any necessary comments that would help us expedite your return merchandise authorization and click the Submit Return Request button.

That's it! You've successfully requested to return your item. Our team will reach out to you via email and provide the RMA form and shipping details.

Please review our return policy here for more information.

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